Shipping info.

Worldwide Shipping

We ship worldwide using reliable carriers like DHL, FedEx, and other standard freight services. Once your order ships from Taiwan, it will be on its way to you.


How long will it take to ship my order?

Shipping costs depend on the size, weight, shipping method, and delivery address of your order. You'll see the exact shipping cost during checkout. We process and ship orders only on business days, so please note that holidays in your country may cause delays. Shipping times and costs may change without prior notice. All haoshi products are shipped from our warehouse in Taiwan.

For certain oversized items, special shipping charges may apply. We will inform you of any additional charges before processing your order, and shipment will be arranged once all related charges have been settled.


Can I track my items?

Once your order is shipped, you’ll receive a unique tracking number, allowing you to track your package at any time. You can use this number to track your shipment immediately. Additionally, you can visit the website of the delivery carrier in your country after 2 days from shipping to get the latest information on your order’s location.

We ship all in-stock orders within 3 business days of receiving them. You should receive your order within 5 to 14 business days, depending on your location. Delivery times may vary by country.


Customs and import fees

Orders shipped within Taiwan are not subject to taxes or duties. However, if your order is shipped outside Taiwan, local customs fees, VAT, or sales tax may apply. These charges could apply to both the item's value and the shipping cost. You will receive an invoice for these fees directly from FedEx or the shipping carrier handling your order. We recommend contacting your local customs office to find out the total landed cost before completing your purchase.


Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order for haoshi items, but only if it hasn’t shipped yet. Cancellations are not possible once the item has been shipped.


Exchange Policy

We are happy to answer any questions about haoshi products but cannot process returns, exchanges, or refunds for any product purchased outside of or

We will offer an exchange for any defective items. Please report the issue to within 14 days of receiving the product.

After confirmation, if the problem is due to manufacturing, we will provide a free replacement of the same (or similar) model. This policy does not apply to products that have been used or damaged by human factors.

Return address: 1F, No.255, Sec.1, Xinglong Rd., Taipei City 116, Taiwan. Please ensure all returned products are well-packed. If any damage occurs due to improper packaging, we will not offer an exchange for the product.

A new product will be sent within 3 business days of receiving the returned item.